AUTHOR: Jason & Traci TITLE: Yeah, man! DATE: 2/24/2006 04:40:00 PM ----- BODY:
This is a new Friday feature here at Haystacks. Well, its featured this Friday, anyway. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks.
This weekly feature is called "Yeah, Man!". (If you get that reference, good for you. You know me too well. If you don't get it, sorry. )
What's the point of the new feature? You ask. This feature is for my friend David. He stops by from time to time and asks thought provoking questions like, "Know any awesome books I should be reading? Can you tell me what's trendy? Know anything cool that I don't know?"
You, like David, can check in each Friday afternoon and see what I think is cool. It might be a song, a book, a fashion trend or a website.

Know anything cool, Traci?

Yeah, Man!

This site I got from Sarah's blog. If you're into astronomy and all the science and detail that involves, you'll love this. Maybe you're like me and you just like a beautiful picture of the stars. Either way this site is a treat.
